As alternative medicine gains popularity, many are unsure of how to choose an appropriate professional practice. We present a brief insight into an experience of chiropractic healing. 

The concept of Chiropractic healing was developed in the late 19th Century. The pioneer of the technique, Daniel David Palmer believed that misalignment of the bones in the body central to the spinal column was the basic underlying cause of all body pain and discomfort. While the actual treatment is largely debated, Chiropractic treatments are largely used as an alternative medical treatment of pain. In particular, lower back pain.

Chiropractic treatments generally take a four-step approach. The initial interview, the consultation and the physical examination which may be conducted on the same day. The treatment plan may not necessarily be carved in stone and may change as the treatment proceeds.


The Initial Interview

The initial interview will involve the patient filling up a form in order to communicate their medical history and current ailment to the Chiropractor. This is an essential step in identifying underlying and pre-existing conditions that would allow for a risk assessment for treatment while evaluating the best method for Chiropractic treatment. The above may be done over the phone, or an e-survey via e-mail, and is usually non-obligatory.

The Consultation


This is most probably the first time the Chiropractor and the patient meet. It will involve communication between the Chiropractor and the patient to gain a deeper understanding of the patient’s medical condition. In other words, it is a deeper understanding of the information provided in the initial interview.

The second part of consultation involves a physical examination and a spinal x-ray. With the understanding that the spine is central to all range of motion available to the body, a physical examination begins by checking on the patient’s spinal range of motion. Other tests performed include orthopedic tests, reflexes, and neurological tests. The overall examination is to ascertain the posture and reflexes of the body.

osteopathy procedure for examining the spine

The last stage of consultation is an evaluation based on the above examination. The patient may take the opportunity to clarify all doubts regarding the treatment and its relation to pre-existing conditions.

For patients, it is essential to bear in mind that for a successful outcome of Chiropractic treatment, this initial interaction is crucial. This will establish a level of comfort between the patient and the Chiropractor and enable the patient to have a smooth experience throughout treatment sessions.

The Actual Treatment

This involves the application of controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The skilful manoeuver may be done by hand or using simple medical instruments. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS) involve electrodes being placed above the skin that send light electrical pulses to different areas of the body. The purpose of TENS is primarily reducing inflammation, curtailing muscle spasms and relieving back pain.

In general, patients should experience a noticeable difference within a fortnight to a month of regular chiropractic treatment. Treatment should be accompanied by periodic follow-ups to ensure that the effects are sustained for the long term.

There are mainly two key factors to bear in mind when choosing chiropractic treatments. Firstly, the patient should be comfortable with the Chiropractor and should ensure that there is effective and regular communication between both parties. Secondly the patient should be informed of the technique used and the chiropractor should ensure that there is no adverse impact upon the pre-existing condition.

Care for your spine

Maintain a good posture 

Exercise regularly

 Find out more in PRIME Magazine 




The articles published on are intended to provide tips for health and lifestyle for individuals aged 40 years and above. The articles are based on secondary research and do not represent the opinion of the author, Spring Publishing Pte Ltd or any mentioned third party. Spring Publishing Pte Ltd recommends professional consultation in medical treatments and will hold no responsibility for medical causes or consequences of the information contained in articles. 
