You are never too old to start a new hobby – perhaps there is something that you’ve always wanted to try as a kid but you were restricted by time or finances. Now might just be the perfect time for you to put away all your inhibitions and dip your feet into a new pastime. Try any one of the following hobbies and reap the bountiful rewards.

Learning an instrument

There is a widespread myth that if you did not begin learning to play a musical instrument in your childhood, you have missed your chance. However this could not be further from the truth – people of any age can learn to play and enjoy the cognitive benefits of learning an instrument. Playing a musical instrument can also help to relieve stress and improve your mood!

Ballroom dancing

Joining a ballroom dancing class is a great way to expand your social circle and have fun. This hobby also provides a whole host of health benefits such as improving your cardiovascular system and helping to prevent heart disease. If you’re a shy person, ballroom dancing can also work wonders for your social skills and boost your self-confidence.


It’s never too late to discover your inner chef. It has become easier than ever to learn how to cook at home – you can use YouTube videos and online recipes for inspiration or even learn a thing or two from your favourite cooking show. This is one useful and tasty hobby that you will not regret picking up.


If you’ve never been much of reader, consider joining a book club to motivate you to turn those pages. Book clubs are also a great way to meet new people and engage in stimulating discussions. If that sounds like too much effort, there are also online book clubs to consider – you can meet people from all over the world!


Gardening can be a very fun and rewarding hobby. Surrounding yourself with a natural environment can help to reduce stress and provide relaxation. Gardening is also a convenient way to stay active – watering plants and pulling weeds work the upper body muscles. A green thumb also encourages a healthier diet; those who grow vegetables also tend to consume more greens!

