Hepatitis can be prevented if you take extra precautions. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe from infection:

Preventing hepatitis A

  • Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, especially before handling any food and drinks for consumption.
  • Avoid eating raw shellfish. Wash fruit and vegetables before consumption.
  • When travelling overseas, do not drink directly from the tap. It is safer to drink bottled water.
  • Get a hepatitis A vaccination before travelling.

Preventing hepatitis B

  • Get vaccinated! Visit your GP to get screened for hepatitis B and get a vaccination if you are not protected against the disease.
  • Avoid casual and unprotected sex.

Preventing hepatitis C

  • Avoid sharing objects such as toothbrushes, razors and nail clippers which have a high risk of breaking the skin.
  • Ensure that sterilized instruments are used when you get a body piercing, tattoo or acupuncture treatments.
  • Avoid casual and unprotected sex.

