As we look to grow our business, we’d love to find out the experience of Prime readers on the mailer content/magazine.
This will help us to provide you with more engaging topics.
(All fields are mandatory)

    1. How relevant are the following topics below to you? (Rate them from 0 to 5, 0 being extremely irrelevant and 5 being extremely relevant)

    2. How often do you want to receive the emails? (Currently, you hear from us three times a week)

    3. Which mailer format do you prefer?

    4. Are the images captivating?

    5. Do the headers capture your attention?

    8. If you have read Prime Magazine. we would also like to find out about your views on it. Rate them from 0 to 5, 0 being extremely irrelevant and 5 being extremely relevant)

    9. Would you recommend Prime to others?

    10. Do you prefer the hardcopy or online version of the magazine?

    11. What tie-ups would you like to see with the magazine? (You may pick more than one) Drop your choices here as an MCQ and allow them to choose more than one.

    We would also like to know more about you better. Your information will be kept confidential.

    14. What is your gender?

    15. Education Level

    16. Employment Status

    17. Annual Household Income

    Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We value your feedback.

    To thank you, we offer the following items for your purchase at a discount of 50% and free shipping.

    Select one option below: