Ms. Joanna Lim
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About Ms. Joanna Lim

Ms Joanna is a freelance Principal Occupational Therapist practicing in private clinics located at Novena, Orchard and Tampines. With more than a decade of clinical experience specializing in hand therapy and upper limb rehabilitation, she has had the pleasure of working with both hand and orthopaedic surgeons in providing quality therapy services for clients with a variety of hand and upper limb conditions, including fractures, sprains/strains, tendon injuries, nerve injuries, repetitive strain disorders and complex trauma injuries. She has also been extensively involved in the provision of ergonomics consultancy, workplace evaluations, and educational talks/workshops to both corporate and public sectors. Ms Joanna is a firm believer in building good rapport with her clients and enjoys engaging with individuals from all walks of life. She is a proponent of client- centred care and advocacy, striving to ensure that her treatment plans are customized to the needs of each unique individual.

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