Here are some diet tips that will help bring some relief

Back pain is an ailment that can be easily soothed by an anti-inflammatory diet and calcium supplements, as inflammation is a common cause of back pain.

For starters, a mostly plant-based diet that includes such items as flax and chia seeds is probably your best bet to avoid inflammation, especially when eaten in combination with omega-3-rich cold water fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, black cod, tuna and trout.


Also helpful are deeply-coloured fruits and vegetables like carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, cherries, berries, grapes and red wine, pomegranate and watermelon. Herbs and spices, including basil, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, garlic, curcumin, onions, oregano, and turmeric tend to be especially rich in anti-inflammatory agents, so use them generously.

Olive oil, green tea, brightly-coloured fruits and vegetables have all been shown to reduce inflammation in cartilage in the spinal column, which helps to control back pain and stiffness.

An anti-pain diet can also include avocados, nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, and Brazil nuts), lean proteins, beans and cocoa. Opt for poly- or monounsaturated oils, such as canola or olive oil, when cooking. Among drinks, herb teas and teas like oolong and green tea are the best.

Meanwhile, foods and drinks that are not helpful for back pain are mainly those that are processed, like fast food and junk food, and those containing saturated fats. Junk foods are mainly those preservative-packed snack products with long shelf life like chips.

Drinks are mainly those with too much caffeine, high sugar content and alcohol.

Another way to keep back pain at bay is to make sure you’re getting enough of the right nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin D. Bone is the body’s storage reservoir for calcium. As you age, it is hard to maintain bone mass which can lead to such conditions as osteoporosis.

Calcium contributes to bone mass, which will then prevent the weakening of vertebrae in your spine. However, calcium should come from natural food sources like yogurt, milk and cheese as well as leafy green vegetables.
